Easy Fall Kids Crafts That Anyone Can Make!

With just four materials, you can create these scary signs that could guide your guests towards the scariest parts of your home. There's no better way to welcome trick-or-treaters than with an awesome door craft like this one. SONY DSCBy BeerAndGluesticks. com is no longer showing this post. on top of 40-inch x 60-inch piece of black foam core. Use ruler to measure 5 inches above and 5 inches below arbor arch, marking foam core with a pencil every few inches to replicate arch shape. To create head, wrap 4-inch foam ball in polyester batting until about 6 inches in diameter; secure with hot glue. Pierce ball with 3 skewers to create tripod, then poke other end of skewers into top of foam core body; secure with hot glue. Spice up your dinner plate with these spooky napkin holders. All this design takes is black construction paper. Show up to your next party with this and everyoneâ"not just the hostessâ"will love you. In a world that's centered around Instagram, we can...