Stained Concrete Countertops

Cut letters to a word or phrase out of contact paper, then adhere it to the canvas for a two-toned masterpiece. Design a pixelated pattern by creating a grid of colors that are the same hue. Below a blue shade was rag-rolled on a Baltic green and everything finished with an antique glaze using a sponge. Another preferred faux painting technique is the ragging. After having painted the wall in your color of choice use a rag and press it on to form a specific pattern and texture. You can use the rag to create a more uniform effect by rolling it onto the painted wall. You can even add a different shade of paint onto the rag and thus create depth and layers. Glue them on the plywood to create the brick pattern than apply paint in red and brown shades. Know you can use this created stamp to âbrickâ your walls. Brighten your walls with art that inspires you. Paint vibrant colors on a canvas, then add a simple image and phrase using black paint. Faux painting bricks seem a tad extreme but...