10 Creative Diy Garden Planters Made From Upcycled Finds

Bring your potting from the ground to waist level (it’s much better on your back! ) with this handy flip-open gardening bench. This tilt-out cabinet looks more like an attractive piece of furniture in its own right, rather than just a clever disguise for your kitchen trash can. And everyone also know that the wood is also an natural thing. Great wallpapers that will give new life to your space.

Many people already recycle common household materials such as paper, plastic, cans or glass bottles, but there are numerous ways to recycle your old furniture as well. Millions of household items are sent to landfills every year, and recycling will help in bringing this number down.
You can also ask a store like Goodwill or Salvation Army to pick it up, or you can take it to their store location and drop it off. Did you know that most of the furniture used in homes and offices can be recycled?
You don't have to spend money buying a watering can for your garden. Although designed ones are really cool, you can get the same watering effect from an empty laundry detergent bottle.
Give new life to your home carpets with carpet stretching. The easiest way to create and schedule Pins for any of your Pinterest boards, tentacles-down. Where does your audience spend time and how do they like to consume content?
Take the furniture to a professional restoration expert or go the DIY route. Use a little imagination and turn your old furniture into something new and amazing.
Just be sure to clean the bottle well to remove any soap residue and then cut holes in the cap for watering. It works like a charm and if you really want the design, you can dress up the bottle before you use it.
Put on shiny new paint, or go the opposite route and get a vintage look by creating an artfully cracked or distressed look. For old couches and chairs, consider reupholstering the pieces with a fresh new fabric. If you don’t need your old furniture, donate it to charity or give it to someone who needs it. There are several websites, such as Freecycle, that allow you to list unwanted items that people can collect from you if they are interested.
When you've got lots of flowers to display in a tiny space, go vertical. A pallet's empty core has just enough room for rows of pots to poke out. For a new take on the floating shelf, hang a pallet in your living room. This blogger uses hers to showcase family artifacts, like photos of her great-grandparents and her parents' wedding cake topper.
You can upcycle those empty detergent bottles and make these amazing book organizers. They're perfect for keeping books and file folders perfectly organized and aligned. Those empty laundry detergent bottles are the perfect shape for this great ball and cup game. Just clean them up, cut the side out â€" leaving the handle intact â€" and get a ball. Kids are going to adore playing with these and it's the perfect outdoor game for spring and summer to get the kids out of the house and on their feet.


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