18 Creative Ideas For Your 2020 Wedding

Students can learn about habitats and the water cycle by turning old glass jars and containers into mini-gardens. Begin by placing a layer of stones in the bottom of the container. Fill halfway with soil, then add an arrangement of plants. Layer with more soil, and add moss and plant or animal figurines.
Gather a variety of hats, as well as scraps of fabric and ribbon, stickers, small trinkets and toys, and magazine and newspaper clippings. Have students choose a hat and then decorate it in a way that reflects them, using school glue or a glue stick to affix items. Wear your new hats at a getting-to-know-you class hat party! Learn how to make this landscape pillow here. Chasing Paper makes easily removable peel-and-stick wallpaper.
Place it behind your bed or use it to line the back of your desk. Turn a shoebox and magnifying glass into a smartphone projector.
These colorful shakers were made using only Y-shaped branches, acorns, bells, and neon string. What other musical potential do students see in the world around them?
Get students excited about building their vocabulary skills with our colorful ice-pop game. Create matching pairs by writing synonyms, antonyms, or vocabulary words and their definitions on the solid yellow pops. Mix up the pops and have students place them flavor side up on the floor.
Welcome the new school-year by creating a “memory mailbox” to document all of the fun times ahead. Each Friday, students write notes and drop them in the box. Open at year’s end for a back-to-school activity that comes full circle.
Finally, have kids flip the pops to find each matching pair. This activity teachers vocabulary, synonyms, and antonyms.

You can buy a few or make your own by following this tutorial. Place some potted plants around your room to add a bit of nature.
Turn vocabulary practice into a search-and-find game kids can play during quiet time. Finally, give students a list of the vocabulary words. Encourage them to shake and twist the jars to find them all.


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